Need help resetting your password on Bonfyre? Here’s how to do it!
- To change or reset your password click the link:
- Type your email address and select ‘Submit’.
- Check your email for password instructions and click on the link to reset your password.
- Your new password must have:
a minimum of 8 characters
at least 1 capital letter
at least 1 lowercase letter
at least 1 number
at least 1 special character (!, @, #, $, %, etc) - Click ‘Reset My Password’.
- You will receive a confirmation message ‘Success! Your password has been reset.’
- Log in to your account with your email address and new password on your mobile device or from your desktop at
Pro Tip
Occasionally, verification emails can get caught in firewalls. If you aren’t receiving verification emails, check your spam/junk folders. If emails are being blocked, ask your IT department to put the Bonfyre Team email address ( on your safe sender list.