Edit Profile

by Katelyn Kopp

Your Bonfyre profile displays your profile picture, name, and description about yourself. Here's how you can make edits. 

iOSAndroid Desktop
  1. From the Bonfyre home screen click 'Account' in the lower left-hand corner. 
  2. Click 'My Public Profile' to view your profile. 
  3. Click 'Edit' in the upper right-hand corner to edit your profile. 
  4. Select 'Choose Image' or tap on your existing profile photo to update your picture.
  5. To edit your name, description, or skills on your profile click on the fields you wish to update. 
  6. Once you've completed your profile click 'Save' in the upper right-hand corner. 

Pro tip:

You can view a user's profile on Bonfyre by clicking on their photo from the chat feed. Click 'View Profile' to see more details about the user. 


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