As an admin, you can edit a Survey or Quick Poll from your Desktop.
- Click ‘Dashboard’ in the upper-right corner and select your Company.
- Click ‘Features’ and select ‘Surveys’ from the drop-down menu.
- Find the Quick Poll or Survey you would like to edit and hover over the Survey Name until you see the 'Edit' button. (pencil icon)
- Once you've made changes to the survey questions and response choices click 'Save'.
- Remember to click 'Save' for each survey answers you edit.
- Click 'Surveys' to get back to the home screen then click 'Activate' to deploy.
- Choose your Bonfyre community on the left from the home screen.
- Click 'Quick Poll' under the Menu.
- Find the Quick Poll you would like to edit and click 'Edit'.
- Once you've made changes to the survey questions and response choices click 'Save'.
- Click 'Activate' to deploy the Quick Poll.
Pro tip:
Active Surveys and Quick Polls can be edited if there have not been any responses collected.