Edit Survey or Quick Poll

by Katelyn Kopp

As an admin, you can edit a Survey or Quick Poll from your Desktop.

  1. Click ‘Dashboard’ in the upper-right corner and select your Company.
  2. Click ‘Features’ and select ‘Surveys’ from the drop-down menu. 
  3. Find the Quick Poll or Survey you would like to edit and hover over the Survey Name until you see the 'Edit' button. (pencil icon)  
  4. Once you've made changes to the survey questions and response choices click 'Save'.
  5. Remember to click 'Save' for each survey answers you edit.  
  6. Click 'Surveys' to get back to the home screen then click 'Activate' to deploy. 
  1. Choose your Bonfyre community on the left from the home screen.
  2. Click 'Quick Poll' under the Menu. 
  3. Find the Quick Poll you would like to edit and click 'Edit'. 
  4. Once you've made changes to the survey questions and response choices click 'Save'. 
  5. Click 'Activate' to deploy the Quick Poll.  

Pro tip:

Active Surveys and Quick Polls can be edited if there have not been any responses collected.


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