Looking for feedback from your company or have a quick question to ask? Create a one question Quick Poll.
- Select your community from the home screen.
- Click 'Menu' in the top right-hand corner.
- Click on the 'Quick Poll' button to view existing or create a new Quick Poll.
- To add a new Quick Poll click 'Add Quick Poll' in the top right-hand corner.
- Choose one of the four types of Quick Poll questions:
Single Choice: Multiple choice question that allows only one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Multiple Choice: Multiple choice question that allows more than one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Short Answer: Open text field that allows answers up to 250 characters
Long Answer: Open text field that allows answers over 250 characters - Once you added your question, click 'Save’ in the upper right-hand corner to deploy. Make sure to toggle ‘Make This Quick Poll Active?’ off if you’re not ready to send out the survey to your users.
- To create another Quick Poll tap ‘Add Quick Poll’ in the upper right-hand corner. You can have multiple Quick Polls active in a community.
- To view results, tap on the survey to view a quick summary. Click the action button in the top right-hand corner to export data, copy Quick Polls, or close a Quick Poll.
- To share Quick Poll results with your users, take a screenshot of your phone screen and post it as a photo into your chat feed.
- Click the orange '+' button at the bottom right side of the screen
- Click 'Create a Quick Poll'
- Select the Community you'd like to post your poll.
- Choose one of the four types of Quick Poll questions:
Single Choice: Multiple choice question that allows only one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Multiple Choice: Multiple choice question that allows more than one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Short Answer: Open text field that allows answers up to 250 characters
Long Answer: Open text field that allows answers over 250 characters - Once you added your question, click 'Save’ in the upper right-hand corner to deploy. Make sure to toggle ‘Make This Quick Poll Active?’ off if you’re not ready to send out the survey to your users.
- Select your community from the home screen.
- Click 'Menu' in the top right-hand corner.
- Click on the 'Quick Poll' button to view existing or create a new Quick Poll.
- To add a new Quick Poll click 'Add Quick Poll' in the top right-hand corner.
- Choose one of the four types of Quick Poll questions:
Single Choice: Multiple choice question that allows only one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Multiple Choice: Multiple choice question that allows more than one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Short Answer: Open text field that allows answers up to 250 characters
Long Answer: Open text field that allows answers over 250 characters - Once you added your question, click 'Save’ in the upper right-hand corner to deploy. Make sure to toggle ‘Make This Quick Poll Active?’ off if you’re not ready to send out the survey to your users.
- To create another Quick Poll tap ‘Add Quick Poll’ in the upper right-hand corner. You can have multiple Quick Polls active in a community.
- To view results, tap on the survey to view a quick summary. Click the action button in the top right-hand corner to export data, copy Quick Polls, or close a Quick Poll.
- To share Quick Poll results with your users, take a screenshot of your phone screen and post it as a photo into your chat feed.
- Click the orange '+' button at the bottom right side of the screen
- Click 'Create a Quick Poll'
- Select the Community you'd like to post your poll.
- Choose one of the four types of Quick Poll questions:
Single Choice: Multiple choice question that allows only one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Multiple Choice: Multiple choice question that allows more than one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Short Answer: Open text field that allows answers up to 250 characters
Long Answer: Open text field that allows answers over 250 characters - Once you added your question, click 'Save’ in the upper right-hand corner to deploy. Make sure to toggle ‘Make This Quick Poll Active?’ off if you’re not ready to send out the survey to your users.
- Click ‘Dashboard’ in the upper-right corner and select your company name.
- Click ‘Features’ and select ‘Surveys’ from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the ‘Create a New Quick Poll’ button to create a new Quick Poll.
- To add a new Quick Poll click 'Add Quick Poll' in the top right-hand corner.
- Choose one of the four types of Quick Poll questions:
Single Choice: Multiple choice question that allows only one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Multiple Choice: Multiple choice question that allows more than one choice, enter as few as 2 responses, as many as 15
Short Answer: Open text field that allows answers up to 250 characters
Long Answer: Open text field that allows answers over 250 characters - From the recipient tab you can select one of the following ways to target recipients:
Ecosystem (entire company)
Community or multiple communities
Employee group(s)
CSV UploadEcosystem leads: You can send a survey to the entire Bonfyre ecosystem, a specific employee group, one or more Bonfyre communities or upload a CSV that includes non-Bonfyre users.
Community leads: You can only send a survey to your Community. - Click the 'Send Survey' button when you are ready to activate the survey for your community.
- From the results tab you can:
Click on a survey question to view quick results.
Click the 'Export CSV' button on the right to export detailed results to your email address.