Set the general settings, privacy settings, or customize a community's theme design. Learn how to access settings below:
- Click on the ‘Dashboard’ button in the top right corner.
- Click your Company name in the drop-down menu to launch the home screen.
- Click the 'Settings' tab then select 'Bonfyre and Chat Feed Settings' to view your Ecosystem's General or Privacy settings.
- Check the box of the setting you'd like to modify and your settings will automatically save.
- Click on the ‘Dashboard’ button in the top right corner.
- Click your Company name in the drop-down menu to launch the home screen.
- To view a community's settings click on a Bonfyre community on the left-hand side.
- Click the 'Settings' tab to and select 'Bonfyre and Chat Feed Settings' to view and modify your communities settings. Your settings automatically save once changed.
- Click 'Theme Design' under the Settings tab to customize your communities chat feed and features.
- Click 'Save' once you've completed your communities theme design.
Pro tip:
Theme recommendations and setting descriptions can be found on Dashboard. Follow this guide to learn more about how to brand a community.